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  Section 17 Bass tabs is an ultimate bass tab resource for Dispatch fans. This site is a collaboration of many people, especially those at Patchmusic and *6 - thanks for anyone who helps! If you would like to make a contribution or suggestion, please email me at:

12.12.07 As you may have noticed, our friends over at patchmusic.info have invited us to become webspace roommates, which means big things for Section 17. We would like to extend a big thanks to them for being so gracious to a blooming website. We are now located at http://section17.patchmusic.info

**In addition to Dispatch tabs, we will now be hosting any bass tabs from State Radio, Braddigan, or Pete Francis that are not available at Tabs In One Fel l Swoop.

**New tabs in State Radio: Wicker Plane & CIA.

Don't be selfish with your knowledge - share!
Check back frequently - we have a lot more tabs on the way!
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Copyright © Section 17 Tabs. 12.12.01 Designed by Sean McEwan.